What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology comes from the Greek „kinesis“, which means movement. It comprises the study of movement of the human body. Thereby it combines the western studies of the musculoskeletal system with the eastern principles of yin and yang and the five elements.
The most widely used form of Kinesiology is the Applied Kinesiology, which was developed in 1964 by the American chiropractor Dr. George J. Goodheart. Other forms include for example Touch for Health and Brain Gym.
Depending on the education of the practitioner, Kinesiology is applied in different areas. Generally you can distinguish between:
medical / therapeutic
The medical diagnosis is reserved for certified medical and health care practitioners or psychologists.
Outside the medical field there is also a variety of applications for Kinesiology: stress management, removal of learning blockages (Kinesiology for children), increase of performance potential, prevention of health problems, promotion of general well-being and quality of life.
The Kinesiology muscle test (mostly arm or leg) is the instrument to acquire information about the current condition and the general functionality of the body. As the body itself serves as feedback system, Kinesiology is an individualized therapy, which is geared toward the needs of the individual. Furthermore, a holistic approach is applied, whereas not only the physical body is taken into consideration, but also emotional, mental and environmental aspects. Thru Kinesiology one can establish direct access to the subconscious and information about events, experiences and emotions, stored in the body. Additionally, energy blockages in the body can be localized and removed.